BBS in a Box 5
BBS in a Box -Volume V (BBS in a Box) (April 1992).iso
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Last Updated: 02-24-1992
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41 LabelPrinter 3 B AMUG BBS in a Box 12-13-1986
DESC: Label Printer uses text files.
KEY: LabelPrinter KBytes: 8192
40 Laser Envelope DA 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 11-24-1988
DESC: prints clipboard to laserwriter.
KEY: Laser Envelope DA KBytes: 4096
39 LaserDump FKEY.cpt 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 02-10-1990
DESC: LaserDump FKEY.sit is a Laserwriter screen dump Fkey.
KEY: LaserDump FKEY.cpt KBytes: 2048
38 LaserFix.cpt 5 B AMUG BBS in a Box 04-23-1990
DESC: LaserFix is an init that places a "print file" checkbox in every
KEY: LaserFix.cpt KBytes: 13312
DESC: print dialog. Clicking on the box will then create a postscript
DESC: file on the disk instead of sending the file to your printer. It
DESC: will also bring up a file dialog, allowing you to name the
DESC: postcript file (instead of just having it Postscript0) and allowing
DESC: you to place the file anywhere you want it.
37 LaserLAB.cpt 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 12-31-1991
DESC: LaserLAB provides high resolution printing from Infocus Technologies
KEY: LaserLAB.cpt KBytes: 30720
DESC: of CO.
36 last_boot.cpt 2 B AMUG BBS in a Box 05-27-1989
DESC: Init to tell you when booted last
KEY: last_boot.cpt KBytes: 4096
35 Launcher™ 3.5.cpt 4 B AMUG BBS in a Box 02-01-1991
DESC: Launcher 3.5 is a highly useful Finder utility which allows you to
KEY: Launcher™ 3.5.cpt KBytes: 32768
DESC: launch your most used applications & documents more easily than
DESC: having to constantly dig through folders. Launcher works with all
DESC: Macs and all systems releases. Documentation included in MacWrite
DESC: format. Compactor Classic/Deluxe file.
34 launchinit.cpt 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 04-16-1990
DESC: launchinit.sit allows you to track application usage. This init is
KEY: launchinit.cpt KBytes: 26624
DESC: configurable to meet your needs. May be used for business or IRS
DESC: records.
33 LaunchIt!.cpt 3 B AMUG BBS in a Box 02-24-1991
DESC: The LaunchIt! application will allow you to set an application for
KEY: LaunchIt!.cpt KBytes: 28672
DESC: startup that does not reside on the boot volume. It works just like
DESC: 'Set Startup' except that you can skip the startup process and load
DESC: programs that are on a different volume (handy for partitioned hard
DESC: drives). I figure you will either not have any use for this
DESC: program, or will use it all the time as a rpart of your startup
DESC: process! If you don't know which one you are, just download it and
DESC: see what you can do with it. Keywords: launch,setstartup.
32 LaunchKey 1.1 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 12-13-1986
DESC: LaunchKey 1.1 nice transport type F Key.
KEY: LaunchKey 1.1 KBytes: 4096
31 Layout1.9.cpt 15 B AMUG BBS in a Box 12-02-1989
DESC: Layout1.9.sit is version 1.9 of Layout the finder customization
KEY: Layout1.9.cpt KBytes: 19456
DESC: program.
30 LDTape34.dd 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 10-26-1988
DESC: LoDOWN Tape Backup Software v3.4
KEY: LDTape34.dd KBytes: 112640
29 LED.cpt 3 B AMUG BBS in a Box 05-11-1991
DESC: Drop this INIT into your System Folder and restart. Hard drive or
KEY: LED.cpt KBytes: 9216
DESC: floppy disk accesses will light either the Scroll Lock or Num Lock
DESC: lights on your Extended Keyboard respectively (Caps Lock is not
DESC: affected). There are three versions of the INIT included. Be sure
DESC: to read the enclosed documentation to find the right INIT for your
DESC: machine. This INIT is for Extended Keyboard users only. Compactor
DESC: Deluxe format. Keywords: extended
DESC: keyboard,adb,keyboard,led,lights,disk,init,floppy,drive,blink,cute.
28 LEFTY.CPT_ 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 02-08-1992
DESC: I read a message on CompuServe about someone who had a pinched nerve
KEY: LEFTY.CPT_ KBytes: 5120
DESC: needing an arrow cursor that pointed the other way. After too much
DESC: research, I wrote the code for Lefty which provides this
DESC: function. Just put it in your System Folder and re-boot and give it
DESC: a try.
26 LEXCAL.cpt 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 12-07-1988
DESC: Lunar Exposure Calculator for Telescope & Camera
KEY: LEXCAL.cpt KBytes: 43008
25 Linefeeds 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 12-13-1986
DESC: Gives automatic returns
KEY: Linefeeds KBytes: 8192
24 LinoPrep.dd 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 04-05-1987
DESC: Doc's on LinoType prep.
KEY: LinoPrep.dd KBytes: 7168
23 LipService.cpt 5 B AMUG BBS in a Box 06-23-1990
DESC: LipService is a nice little CDEV that allows you to have your Mac
KEY: LipService.cpt KBytes: 5120
DESC: Talk to you.
22 LIST WORDS 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 03-11-1987
DESC: Word Count Program
KEY: LIST WORDS KBytes: 40960
21 Load/Unload FKEY 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 01-30-1988
DESC: Paper load/unload F key utility
KEY: Load/Unload FKEY KBytes: 6144
20 LoadMon.cpt 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 02-14-1992
DESC: Copyright © 1991 by Michael J. Gibbs, all rights reserved. Load
KEY: LoadMon.cpt KBytes: 12288
DESC: Monitor is shareware. If you use it, send $5 to Michael J. Gibbs
DESC: 16751 Queen Esther Dr. Surprise, AZ 85374. Load Monitor is a
DESC: simple application that shows you (in relative terms) how busy your
DESC: Macintosh is. It displays a graph that is periodically updated
DESC: showing approximately how great a load your Mac is under. Any
DESC: Macintosh computer running system software version 6 with
DESC: Multifinder or system software version 7 or later. If you try to run
DESC: Load Monitor without Multifinder under system software version 6 or
DESC: earlier it will crash. Uploaded to AMUG by the author.
19 Localization.cpt 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 10-14-1989
DESC: Localization scripts for all countries of the world. Use to make
KEY: Localization.cpt KBytes: 41984
DESC: Macintosh displays universal.
18 Locare 1.9 SW.dd 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 06-30-1987
DESC: FKey locater
KEY: Locare 1.9 SW.dd KBytes: 27648
16 LockDisk1.0.cpt 4 B AMUG BBS in a Box 01-29-1991
DESC: LockDisk1.0.sit is a CDEV that changes your system disk to read-only
KEY: LockDisk1.0.cpt KBytes: 19456
DESC: status. This can be handy in several ways. You can test things to
DESC: see how they will run in a CD ROM environment, you can't get a
DESC: virus on a read only disk, Kids can't destroy your data and for
DESC: trade shows.
15 Lockem.dd 2 B AMUG BBS in a Box 09-04-1987
DESC: HD lockout program
KEY: Lockem.dd KBytes: 17408
14 LockHD 2 B AMUG BBS in a Box 05-04-1987
DESC: HD Lockout startup
KEY: LockHD KBytes: 21504
13 LockMac.cpt 2 B AMUG BBS in a Box 01-14-1990
DESC: LockMac.sit is another data security Mac device.
KEY: LockMac.cpt KBytes: 9216
12 Lockout.cpt 5 B AMUG BBS in a Box 05-17-1991
DESC: Are you having security problems with your Mac & your co-workers?
KEY: Lockout.cpt KBytes: 45056
DESC: If so, give LockOut a try. Stuffed.
9 LockVol 1.2.1.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 01-06-1992
DESC: LockVol 1.2.1 is a Control Panel device that can be used to test
KEY: LockVol 1.2.1.cpt KBytes: 18432
DESC: software handling of locked volumes, local or remote. With the
DESC: final release of System 7 and File Sharing, LockVol may come in
DESC: handy for those trying to test their software.
8 LockVol.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 12-31-1991
DESC: LockVol 1.2 is a Control Panel device that can be used to test
KEY: LockVol.cpt KBytes: 18432
DESC: software handling of locked volumes, local or remote. With the
DESC: final release of System 7 and File Sharing, LockVol may come in
DESC: handy for those trying to test their software.
7 Logger 2.0.cpt 3 B AMUG BBS in a Box 11-12-1988
DESC: CDEV to Log Mac Activity
KEY: Logger 2.0.cpt KBytes: 5120
6 Logout 1.1 ƒ.dd 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 04-28-1991
DESC: Logout will tell you how much you've been using your Mac. Simply
KEY: Logout 1.1 ƒ.dd KBytes: 14336
DESC: drop it into you System Folder and the next time you ShutDown or
DESC: Restart, you'll receive the bad news. Logout may be configured from
DESC: the Control Panel. Version 1.1 is fixed for the Macintosh SE/30 and
DESC: Color QuickDraw. Decompress with Disk Doubler.
5 Looney.cpt 3 B AMUG BBS in a Box 05-28-1989
DESC: INIT file. Plays Looney toons on startup (and why not!).
KEY: Looney.cpt KBytes: 79872
4 LooneyIcons.cpt 7 B AMUG BBS in a Box 04-29-1989
DESC: Looney Tunes Icon
KEY: LooneyIcons.cpt KBytes: 9216
3 LULLABY.CPT 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 09-09-1991
DESC: This is an application that works like After Dark or any screensaver
KEY: LULLABY.CPT KBytes: 38912
DESC: INIT or Extension. It is designed to run in the background like
DESC: Applicon. After running it the first time and selecting the
DESC: preferred "hot" corner and the preferred screensaver module, you
DESC: should place it .. or its alias .. in the Startup Items folder. The
DESC: first character in its name is a space to ensure that it loads
DESC: before other Startup Items that run primarily in the fore- ground.
DESC: All the graphics in the modules are black&white because I program
DESC: with an SE/30. Color fans may be better off with After Dark. Anyway,
DESC: since it is an application, you should experience no INIT conflicts.
2 LunarCrack v1.0.dd 2 B AMUG BBS in a Box 05-17-1987
DESC: Cracks the screen at "beep" time
KEY: LunarCrack v1.0.dd KBytes: 5120
1 LWLockout1.0b6.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 02-15-1991
DESC: LaserwriterLockout 1.0b6 is a freeware init/cdev combination that
KEY: LWLockout1.0b6.cpt KBytes: 14336
DESC: lets you control which LaserWriters appear in the Chooser desk
DESC: accessory. This program will be particularly useful to network
DESC: environments where access to a particular LaserWriter should be
DESC: available to only certain nodes on that network. Program by Maurice
DESC: Volaski. Uploaded at his request by NeoScribe International.
DESC: Keywords: laserwriter,lockout,cdev,init,chooser,network,
DESC: appletalk,volaski.